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Anniversary Stickers Enhance The Decoration | Types Commonly Used

Tressa Romberg

Anniversary Stickers Printing
Anniversary Stickers Enhance The Decoration

Anniversaries are an important part of life. They remind us of important events, both personal and cultural. At this event, customized stickers are being used are called Anniversaries stickers. These are available in different size, shapes, and are available in different materials for application to a variety of surfaces. Vinyl, Clear Polyester, Double Sided Polyester, and Backed adhesive vinyl are used for their production. Which gives them fine finishing. Type of the paper used depending upon the surface, on which it is going to be applied. Anniversary stickers made with a glossy finish or you can choose to have a matte finish if you do not want any light reflecting from it.

Common Types That Are Used:

Paper Labels:

They are also very was versatile and are just ideal when you’re starting out because you can opt for a bulk amount of labels or stickers.

Die-Cut Sticker:

These are most likely to use because to get tons of required #Stickers with die-cut pages. They can be easily removed from smooth surfaces and won’t leave any residue. These can be reused again and again!

Clear Labels:

These have an excellent full-color reproduction with which your respective design of logo will certainly look outstanding.

Foil Stickers:

These are most likely to use because it looks very much appealing and eye-catching. There are different kinds of #FoilLabels available in the form of gold foil levels, #SilverFoilLabels, #AluminumFoilLabels, #MetallicFoilLabels and many more.

Anniversary Stickers
Anniversary Stickers

How Do They Work?

Pasting On Surfaces:

As these are designed for various surfaces people find it hard to use. First of all choose a flat surface to put on and clean it, then mark where will it be applied then taped the top edge of it on the surface with masking tape. Then after pressing the lift upward and peel off the backing. Applying these stickers is a piece of cake.

The Technique Used For Removal:

Because of vinyl usually, these become a challenge to remove. As the heat softens the vinyl, Heat guns and hair dryers prove helpful. First of all clean the surface then holds the hairdryer a couple of inches away from it and start by keeping it aimed at the center for a few seconds. Then, slowly move to the other sides.

On Which Events Are They Used?

These stickers printing can be done for many events as Anniversaries are a chance to reflect on a relationship or a cultural identity, to come together to remember a person who’s died, or to celebrate a joyous event.


These are specially customized for wedding anniversaries. People always tend to supersize their loved ones in a unique way. These are used on walls, gift boxes with some special words.

Momentous Event:

These are used for remembrance of momentous events like independence days of countries. Especially, some signs and quotes are designed on these.


These are also used by companies related to different fields when they celebrate their years of success. The company’s logo and digits are specially designed are more likely to use.



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