This is a technique to enclose the food, to provide protection from damage, spoilage, pest attacks, and contamination. It provides tempering resistance, protection, and special chemical, biological and physical needs for food. These packaging boxes are labeled with nutrition facts, ingredients, amount, cooking instructions, shelf life and other information about the food item packed inside. Organic material needs to be separated after the use and it is called rinsing of food packaging. These are created with glass material, papers, metals, and plastic. These packages are designed in such a manner that there are no interactions between both food and packages. Some food packages are specially made for microwave use. These are flexible and mostly colorless.
Formation – the plastic food boxes are made by polyethylene terephthalate. It is a lightweight plastic that may be rigid or semi-rigid. It is used for the liquid food items, soft drinks, salad ketchup, oil, etc. these are recyclable and FDA approved. Hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, sulfur, and nitrogen are the elements that are the building blocks of #PlasticPackaging. Some packages are durable and transparent. These are also resistant to bacteria for food. They provide safety to food and increase the freshness of the products. On the #FoodBoxes, there is also a recycle number that provides guidance to the consumers about recycling of the food product.
Food Packaging Has Several Objectives:

Barrier Protection - Dust, water vapor, oxygen, etc. act as barriers for the food. So the #Packaging provides protection against these barriers. Packages are designed in such a way that they can absorb the oxygen and extend the shelf life of the food product. They keep the food product fresh, safe and clean. Their primary function is to maintain the temperature.
Physical protection - The #PackagingBoxes provide protection from compression, bacteria, vibration, shock, etc.
Convenience - Packages provide convenience during opening, sale, display, stacking, handling, distribution, use, reopening and reuse.
Security- Packaging can reduce security risks during shipment.
Marketing - These are used by marketers to encourage buyers to buy the product and increase the value of the company. The eye-appealing design and color of a package play an important role.
Transfer Information - Packaging is labeled with the use, recycle, transport, and dispose of the product.
Containment - small products are packed together for sufficient handling. Granular material, powders, and liquid need containment.
The food items are packed into different kinds of containers and food packaging boxes such as:

Trays - it is a primary packaging to pack meat and portion of a fish.
Aseptic Processing - it is also a primary packaging and used for dairy products and whole eggs.
Bags – This type of packing used for the rice, apples and potato chips.
Boxes -it is secondary packaging. These are used to pack the frozen pizzas, etc. these boxes are made by corrugated boxes.
Wrappers - it is a tertiary type of packaging used to wrap the products for transport.
Cans - mostly the cans are used for the liquid materials.